Hand tools Insulation and air ducts tools

The workshop is the nerve centre of the activity. It is the place where all the required shapes such as boxes, flanges, tank bottoms, pipes that will equip the flux transport networks of industrial sites, are custom-made. Besides its specific range of machines, JOUANEL offers a range of hand tools for the manual shaping of fittings in workshops or on building sites.

TOTAL : 98 products


Porte-mine traçage trou profond PMTRAC

Special deep hole automatic pencil with integrated sharpener + clip holder

Special deep hole automatic pencil reference PMTRAC, with integrated sharpener. Ideal for preparing precise marks on metal before shearing or bending, or for marking in hard-to-reach areas

Special steel oily pen, Set of 10

Set of 10 special steel oily pen for marking on all metals - Reference CGRA

Permanent marker with retractable tip, black, multi-materials

Multi-material permanent marker reference PMARK-N, with retractable tapered tip for tracing before folding or cutting metal, black color

Set of 7 permanent markers with retractable tip, black, multi-materials

Set of 7 multi-material permanent markers reference PMARK-NLOT7, with retractable tapered tip for tracing before folding or cutting metal, black color

Cutter bimatière 25 mm, 1 lame droite à casser et 1 lame trapezoïdale, verrouill

Knife 25 mm, 1 chopping blade, 1 trapezoidal blade

Bi-material cutter with straight chopping or trapezoidal blades of 25mm - Reference CUT252L

Lot de 5 lames trapézoïdales 25 mm

Set of 5 trapezoidal blades for CUT252L

Set of 5 trapezoidal blades 25mm for bi-material cutter CUT252L - Reference CUT25LAMTRA

Cutter standard 18 mm, 2 lames droites à casser/1 lame à crochet à casser, verro

Knife 18 mm, 1 chopping blade, 1 Hook blade

Standard cutter used with straight or hook blades 18mm - Reference CUT182L

Lot de 10 lames droites à casser 18 mm

Set of 10 chopping blades for CUT182L

Set of 10 straight chopping blades 18mm for standard cutter CUT182L - Reference CUT18LAMCA

Lot de 5 lames à crochet à casser 18 mm

Set of 5 hook blades for CUT182L

Set of 5 hook chopping blades 18mm for standard cutter CUTL182L - Reference CUT18LAMCRO

Knife 25 mm, 1 trapezoidal blade, 1 hook blade

Retractable knife with trapezoidal blade and hook blade - Reference COUT2L