Terms of use
You are on the website: https://jouanel.com/en/
The website « https://jouanel.com/en/ » and all its components are the property of Jouanel Industrie
Head office: 30 rue des Saulniers 37800 Sainte-Maure-de-Touraine
Phone: (+33) 2 47 65 40 67
E-mail address:
Publication manager: Emmanuel HALLE
Commitment made by the site
The content of the website complies with the laws in force, and in particular:
The law on freedom of the press, so that no text, image or sound of a libellous, racist or revisionist
nature will be published online;
In accordance with Article 227-24 of the French Code of Criminal Law relating to the protection of minors,
no message of a violent or pornographic nature or seriously offending human dignity which could be seen
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No reproduction of a protected work or a branded item will be posted online without the agreement of
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In accordance with the LCEN Act of 22 June 2004, a right of reply is available to any person named or designated
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within three days of receiving the request, but may in no case exceed two hundred lines.
French « Informatique, Fichiers et Libertés » legislation and protection of personal data on the site https://jouanel.com/en/
The site users are required to comply with the provisions of the French « Informatique, Fichiers et Libertés » legislation for personal privacy protection, any breach of which may be punished as a criminal offence. They shall, in particular, regarding the personal information to which they have access, abstain from any data collection, fraudulent use and, in general, any act that could harm people's private lives or reputations.
Limitation of liability
Jouanel Industrie may not be held liable for any direct and/or indirect damage resulting from the use
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The website https://jouanel.com/en/ may direct the user to other websites via hypertext links. These links
have been inserted in the Jouanel Industrie site with the authorisation of the owners of the linked sites.
Jouanel Industrie may in no case be held liable for the content of such sites, for which their owners
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There are some dangers inherent in the use of Internet, and the user is warned of the need to allow for
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Hosting service
The company Agora VITA, 1 rue Paul Mesplé 31100 Toulouse (France), listed in the Toulouse trade register under the number 424 097 525, hosts the https://jouanel.com/en/ site.
Right to access, modify, correct and delete your personal data
Users have the right to access, modify, correct and delete their personal data in accordance with Articles
39 and 40 of the Act of 6 January 1978 as amended by the Act of 6 August 2004. To exercise this right, you
can contact Jouanel Industrie directly by e-mail at
or by letter addressed to Jouanel Industrie 30 rue des Saulniers 37800 Sainte-Maure-de-Touraine, specifying « Service Gestion des données personnelles » (personal data management department).
Messages sent over the Internet can be intercepted. Do not disclose sensitive personal information.
If you want to provide us with confidential information, we advise you to use the postal service.
Intellectual property – Copyright
The content of this site is covered by French and international legislation on copyright and intellectual
Jouanel Industrie retains all the property and moral rights related to the documents on this site,
subject to the rights owned by the authors of works published on this site. Accordingly, all rights of
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iconographic and/or photographic representations.
Visitors to the website https://jouanel.com/en/ agree not to collect, capture, deform or use the information
to which they have access.
Jouanel Industrie will take legal proceedings against any attempted fraudulent use of the documents
on the site.
Declaration to the CNIL
In accordance with the Act of 6 January 1978 as amended by the « Informatique, Fichiers et Libertés » Act
of 6 August 2004 for personal privacy protection, and its implementing decree of 17 July 1978 and Article
43 of the Act of 30 September 1986 as amended, the site has been declared to the « Commission Nationale
Informatique et Libertés » (CNIL).
The personal data collected is designed to provide the user with the products and services offered by this
site and will not be used for purposes not provided for in the present legal notices. Accordingly, all the
replies requested are strictly necessary for the supply of the product or service in question. In the event
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product or service. E-mails and personal data sent to Jouanel Industrie are stored for a maximum period
of three years.
Non-sale of the customer file
Jouanel Industrie is the sole recipient of the personal data and will not sell its customer file.
For any information, contact us on Thanking you for your interest in our site, we wish you enjoyable browsing.