Hand tools Insulation and air ducts tools

The workshop is the nerve centre of the activity. It is the place where all the required shapes such as boxes, flanges, tank bottoms, pipes that will equip the flux transport networks of industrial sites, are custom-made. Besides its specific range of machines, JOUANEL offers a range of hand tools for the manual shaping of fittings in workshops or on building sites.

TOTAL : 98 products

Tendeur pour feuillard largeur de 10 à 20 mm

Hoop-iron tightener, width from 10 to 20 mm

Hoop iron tightener 10 to 20mm, for stainless steel, zinc-plated steel, aluminum and tempered steel hoops holding in position the prefabricated elements before definite screwing - Reference VVDS05

Coffret poinçonneuse avec 7 jeux de poinçons, col de cygne 70 mm, capacité selon

Punching machine container, with 7 sets of punches (Ø 3,97 / 5,55 / 7,15 / 8,70 / 10,3 / 11,9 / 13,5 mm)

Kit of punching, with a punching machine and a set of 7 punches and interchangeable dies - Reference RWNXX

Extra punch for NIB

Spare punch for NIBBLEX - Reference NIB-POINCON

Poinçonneuse cap. acier 1mm, col de cygne 35 mm avec poinçon/matrice Ø3,2 et 3,5

Manual punching machine with punches and dies Ø 3,2 and 3,5 mm

Punching machine supplied with 2 sets of punches and dies Ø3.2 and Ø3.5, for a preliminary work of riveting of shaped pieces - Reference FORDS35

Set of 5 punches and dies Ø 3,2mm

Set of 5 punches and dies Ø3.2mm for FORDS35 - Reference FORDS35PM3.2L5

Set of 5 punches and dies Ø 3,5mm

Set of 5 punches and dies Ø 3.5mm for FORDS35 - Reference FORDS35PM3.5L5

Pince à crever type Snaplock, cap acier 1mm, col de cygne 35 mm (lame réglable)

Snap lock punch with adjustable blade Snap Lock type

Snap lock punch, with adjustable blade "Snaplock" type - Reference MALSL2

Pince d'assemblage avec ailette diam 3,2 mm

Joint pliers DS3 with wings Ø 3,2 mm

Temporary assembly pliers with wings Ø3.2mm, to fix the insulation elements temporarily - Reference DS33.2

Pince d'assemblage avec ailette diam 4 mm

Joint pliers DS3 with wings, Ø 4 mm

Temporary assembly pliers with wings Ø4mm, to fix the insulation elements temporarily - Reference DS34

Lot de 10 forets courts double affûtage diam 3,2 mm, longueur 49 mm

Set of 10 short drills, Length 49 mm, Ø 3,2 mm

Set of 10 short twist drill bits 49mm, Ø3.2mm, with double grinding - Reference FDA32