Hand tools

Because we know you well, we want to support you on a daily basis while you work by offering a hand tools range of professional quality to cut, bend, hammer, shape or trace. Our tools, carefully selected and tested, will meet all your requirements of quality and resilience.

TOTAL : 268 products


Chasse agrafe à gorge

Nylon throat staple driver for 8mm flat staples

Nylon throat staple driver for 8mm flat staples - Reference CHASSE-AGRAF

Marteau pour enclumette, manche bois

Hammer for angle flat scraper

Hammer for angle flat scraper, wooden handle. Tool of the tinman to shape the metal with a flat scraper - Reference MAEN

Main de fer avec racloir 25 mm, largeur 140 mm

Roofing seamer, 25 mm, width 140 mm, with strickle

Roofing seamer with strickle to shape metal pieces - Reference MFAR

Main de fer double pli carré 25 et 35 mm, largeur 135 mm

Double roofing seamer, square bend 25 and 35 mm, width 135 mm

Double roofing seamer for the seam closer works of standing seam trays - Reference MFDP

Plieuse légère à chéneaux 500 mm

Sheet bending jaws, 500 mm

Light sheet bending jaws 500mm to shape eaves gutter, channels, coverings or sealed edge strips - Reference PH500

Plieuse légère à chéneaux 1000 mm

Sheet bending jaws, 1000 mm

Light sheet bending jaws 1.000mm to shape eaves gutter, channels, coverings or sealed edge strips - Reference PH1000

Griffe à zinc détail

Zinc scribber, with carbibe

Zinc scriber with carbide nozzle. Make the groove without effort - Reference GRIC

Griffe à zinc, manche bois

Zinc scribber wooden handle

Zinc scriber. Make a groove without forcing - Reference GRIF

Grattoir à zinc, manche bois

Zinc scraper

Zinc scraper to trim zinc after cutting - Reference GRAT

Cutter standard 18 mm, 2 lames droites à casser/1 lame à crochet à casser, verro

Knife 18 mm, 1 chopping blade, 1 Hook blade

Standard cutter used with straight or hook blades 18mm - Reference CUT182L